Friday, March 19, 2010

My good friend and the the true friend

Its already 9 month and 25 days that I study at ATI College, no wonder that I never sense the time and the day. All this time I became friendly to everyone in this college.Until did not realize that I having more friend in this college.When I in primary and secondry school, I have a lots of friend and I can still remember their name they all are really goood friend with me.

Those day are really same with this day beause all the friend that I got are really the same friend that I have in primary and secondry school, not actually same with the face but the attitude and the relationship that they got are really same with my old friend.The friend that I got is actually little bit naughty but they all are really nice person and very good friend.Even they do something bad with me but actually they try to help their friend.

When the time will come that I already graduate from this college,I will never ever forget them the friend that I got are really good friend and always spend time with them like go somewhere together,having party together and share problem together if some of my friend is having a problem they always help it.
They are the true friend that i got.......;)

Sunday, March 14, 2010

Time past by without we knowing it...

All this month already past by without feels it, and right now, me myself already in the semester 3. But right now im still thinking that i still in the sem 1, because if we try think again and feel again it seems like only yesterday that i enter this college and that time i still not recognize all the student and the lecture also.
The time it very faster than we think because when we try just ignore all the time and having all the simple life without looking the time and think of it, the time has already change and never turn back its like when we try throw the sand in to the air, we will never get it back. Same also the time that we spending with friend, family and also the special one.
All suddenly happen so fast without we knowing it like right now.
im just little bit curious to know all this think, and also try to understand this situation.
if try to imagine all things happen with me and my friend its really fun and happy.
But right now all that fun things all ready gone and never come back, but inside im still hopeing that and my buddys stillhaving spend time together like we use in firsth sem.......