Wednesday, May 19, 2010

The Influence.....:D

Ruling planet: Pluto
Element: Water sensitive, intuitive, deep feelings
Mode: Fixed determined, loyal, stubborn
Symbol: The Scorpion, the Eagle, and the Phoenix
Birthstone: Opal
Color: Red and Black

You, dear Scorpio, have the extraordinary destiny of being an Influencer. You have the ability to affect others by your strength, determination, and charisma. The word influence comes from a term meaning to flow. One of Webster’s dictionary definitions of this word states, “the supposed flowing of an ethereal fluid or power from the stars, thought by astrologers to affect the characters and actions of people.” This ability to influence means you have the gift of working closely with power. The decisions you make about what kind of influence you want to be and what kind of affect you want to have on people and the world are part of every Scorpio’s path.
The world has given us plenty of Scorpios who have wielded great influence. Scorpio Bill Gates, computer genius and cofounder of the Microsoft Corporation, has been a pivotal force in the computer industry and in the world of technology. Ted Turner revolutionized the reporting of world news when he introduced 24-hour live news broadcasts through his cable television network CNN. He is now influencing how the world helps countries in need through his $1 billion gift to the United Nations. Elizabeth Cady Stanton was a significant figure in the struggle for women’s rights. Her work contributed to the passage of the 19th Amendment giving women the right to vote.
What all of these people have in common is their incredible determination, foresight and ability to influence the tide of history. Clearly, as a Scorpio, you can do just about anything you put your mind to.
Because Scorpios have a powerful presence and the ability to affect others, think about what kind of influence you want to be. You can decide to be a good influence or a bad influence. The choice is yours.
Scorpio is a fixed sign, which means you are blessed with tremendous determination. No one has ever accused you of being easy-going or laid back! There is little you cannot achieve if you set your mind to it because when you make up your mind to do something, you give it your body, heart, and soul. When nineteen-year-old Scorpio Gertrude Ederle, a triple Olympic gold medal winner in swimming, was told to cancel her swim across the
English Channel because of storms that had closed the channel to shipping, she answered, “What for?” She went on to swim across in record time and became the first woman to do so. Florence Sabin, an anatomist, led an exceptional life becoming the first woman to be made a full professor at Johns Hopkins University in 1917 and in 1925 was the first woman to be elected to the National Academy of Sciences. Christopher Columbus sailed across the ocean during a time when many thought the world was flat. Whoopie Goldberg overcame the obstacle of poverty to become a famous actress and comedian. These Scorpios set out to accomplish something and let nothing stand in their way.
Make sure you are setting goals for yourself. Your energy needs a focus and a direction. You are able to overcome obstacles in your path once you have decided to achieve something. A bored, directionless Scorpio is an unhappy Scorpio! Don’t waste your exceptional internal resources of drive and determination.