Saturday, April 24, 2010

Preparation For Final Exam

Today my story how I gonna prepared my self having the final exam, mostly many people before the exam their will study and reading something important about the subject that will come in final exam. Their always making the notes or writing something to make they remember or understand about that subject, so it will make easier to them when answer the question.

But some of student, even they study hard or everyday they always fail the subject or the exam. This problem can be solve with easy solution like before you starting review all the subject or study,you must take a glass of milk so it can help your mind working faster like fast learner. Also before your starting open your book or study, in my religion we have to pray to our good so when we study the will give lessing to us and that knowledge will never ever gone or in other words you will never forget about that knowledge that you study.

For me, its really simple the way study when getting final exam before that day arrive I will study in 3 hours for the subject that will I take tomorrow. I study like that because when tomorrow I having the exam, it easy for me to remember the subject that I study.

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

1 weeks holiday before exam...

Today I write about my 1 week holiday, its very bored when comes to holiday. I really hate holiday because when holiday there nothing I want to do at home and even I go out all my friend go back to there home town or village. But this holiday some of my friend did not go back to there home town or village because this holiday only for our study break for the examination next week, and this week we all already plan to study group for that exam.

First day of our exam I and my friend go to library college to study together, but when I arrive at there, I really disappointed to my friend because they come to college wasn't study but play with them self but I also join play. After that we go to cyber cafe to play games, this situation its happen in three days after that we study together again.

This 1 week holiday its very bored but fun not just fun but excited because we study at other library that full with all goods books. From morning until afternoon, to afternoon until night we study at library its very tired and want to go a sleep. After tomorrow we go out but not study, we just go out having fun like watching movie, go place that really interesting and not to bored.

Thats all for today, I will write other story to you all if i'm not to lazy.....

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

My Final Exam Pratical :D

My name is Jumarvi Bin Mohammad or known as Hagemaru, on 12 April 2010 my intake Diploma Culinary Arts group B have a practical exam its final for this semester. We starting our exam is 12.30pm but we all came to that kitchen early 30 minute because, we have to prepared all the ingredient early and faster. This practical exam were not individual but in group so in our exam we been divided in four group, all my friend were do their best to cook the food so they can have good marks and pass that exam.

Our lecture also our Chef, calculate the marks practical based on cleanliness, the food, and decoration of the food that we made it. My group try their best including me and we work as a team and divide to our section, because in each group have six people so it very easy to us to do the cook with divide the job, me with some of friend do the cutting, some of my friend do the cooking and some of them do the decoration.

After done the cooking, some member in my group each of them must bring each dishes to bring to judge so they can give comment to our dishes and also marks. The person that will judge their is three people one of them is our lecture and two of them is a chef and the lecture that been invite to became the judges, so in they comment their some our food that need to improve and some of our dishes its very delicious that they really like it.

We all very happy when they testing our dishes and give some good comment to our cooking,I hope when I having practical exam I will do my very best to do the practical exam.....

PEACE......... :P

Saturday, April 10, 2010

My First Salary In My Life.....

This story, actually about my life that I got my salary at Hyatt Hotel which are the first salary i got. The story begins were at college, that my friend name Jumeadi came straight to and ask me if i want to work at the place for the part time job, I try think and then I accept the offer from my friend. I also have a friend that first time working at Hyatt but not the first time accept the salary because he already work at the Servey but full time job. So tomorrow me and other my friend including some of my friend at the hostel go to part time job after we arrive at Hyatt, we all been giving a duty as a banquate because that time Hotel Hyatt having the event thats why they need some extra workers.

We all works as a team and always help each other when some one our friend having a difficulties serving the food and drinks. We works at Hyatt from the 2.00 pm until 2.00 am that time I feel like my body having paralized cannot move but its because this my first time work and own the salary by my self i feel like my spirit rise up and I feel no tired.
After all the event already finish clean all the things at that place look as the first we arrive here. When all the has already clean we been tell by our superior that we can go back home hut tomorrow he sya to us that do not forget to pick your salary.

So tomorrow we all came to Hotel Hyatt to recieve our salary, I see all my friend face some of them are look very happy but some of them are not but for me I just ignore it because I feels happy because this is my first salary and the first time I work and got my own salary. I just got my salary I straight ran to back home and gave my salary to my mummy because as the son I must give my salary to my parents even the first salary or second i must give it. I really happy I just give my mummy my salary.....

This are the best day....the best time......and the best memory that I willl never forget it.....
My first salary in my life alredy gave to my mom..........
love you mom......:)