Saturday, April 10, 2010

My First Salary In My Life.....

This story, actually about my life that I got my salary at Hyatt Hotel which are the first salary i got. The story begins were at college, that my friend name Jumeadi came straight to and ask me if i want to work at the place for the part time job, I try think and then I accept the offer from my friend. I also have a friend that first time working at Hyatt but not the first time accept the salary because he already work at the Servey but full time job. So tomorrow me and other my friend including some of my friend at the hostel go to part time job after we arrive at Hyatt, we all been giving a duty as a banquate because that time Hotel Hyatt having the event thats why they need some extra workers.

We all works as a team and always help each other when some one our friend having a difficulties serving the food and drinks. We works at Hyatt from the 2.00 pm until 2.00 am that time I feel like my body having paralized cannot move but its because this my first time work and own the salary by my self i feel like my spirit rise up and I feel no tired.
After all the event already finish clean all the things at that place look as the first we arrive here. When all the has already clean we been tell by our superior that we can go back home hut tomorrow he sya to us that do not forget to pick your salary.

So tomorrow we all came to Hotel Hyatt to recieve our salary, I see all my friend face some of them are look very happy but some of them are not but for me I just ignore it because I feels happy because this is my first salary and the first time I work and got my own salary. I just got my salary I straight ran to back home and gave my salary to my mummy because as the son I must give my salary to my parents even the first salary or second i must give it. I really happy I just give my mummy my salary.....

This are the best day....the best time......and the best memory that I willl never forget it.....
My first salary in my life alredy gave to my mom..........
love you mom......:)