Tuesday, April 13, 2010

My Final Exam Pratical :D

My name is Jumarvi Bin Mohammad or known as Hagemaru, on 12 April 2010 my intake Diploma Culinary Arts group B have a practical exam its final for this semester. We starting our exam is 12.30pm but we all came to that kitchen early 30 minute because, we have to prepared all the ingredient early and faster. This practical exam were not individual but in group so in our exam we been divided in four group, all my friend were do their best to cook the food so they can have good marks and pass that exam.

Our lecture also our Chef, calculate the marks practical based on cleanliness, the food, and decoration of the food that we made it. My group try their best including me and we work as a team and divide to our section, because in each group have six people so it very easy to us to do the cook with divide the job, me with some of friend do the cutting, some of my friend do the cooking and some of them do the decoration.

After done the cooking, some member in my group each of them must bring each dishes to bring to judge so they can give comment to our dishes and also marks. The person that will judge their is three people one of them is our lecture and two of them is a chef and the lecture that been invite to became the judges, so in they comment their some our food that need to improve and some of our dishes its very delicious that they really like it.

We all very happy when they testing our dishes and give some good comment to our cooking,I hope when I having practical exam I will do my very best to do the practical exam.....

PEACE......... :P