Thursday, November 26, 2009

Which Better Between Fantasy And Reality

Reality is place that we use know all things that really happen to us, more worse when we not likes that things or just accept it without our willing. The situation it really scary to us or make happy to us, reality is the words that people always scared when bad things happen but when gud things happen to them... They really like it and really happy that time a preson that dont have a problem at all.

To think again..... this reality is for the people who have guts to accept all the kind of things that happen to them, they should have a strongest heart to accept this reality....

For the fantasy its very difficult for me to say it, because this things for the people that can find some place for their self witout worry anything else. The only time that they have is their self the place that they can be anything or have anything.

So its up to you all to choose in this story..............

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

The Happy Time With My Friend

This picture story about us that have free time doing something fun and enjoyble, we also left some memory about our life and what is the meaning of friendship............ (cam betul jak kan) HEHEHEHEHEEEEE.....

Dont forget about them that always help us when we having a problem especialy family and friendship those are the most important in the world, value of that cannot same with other things in this world.

Family is the one that take care us when we still a baby until right now, dont ever forget them even once. For the friendship is second family that we have because when we far a way from our family, friend is the one that always help us that time, so dont ever forget about that also.

Appriciate each things that we have and always take care of them dont let them down even once.

From your story teller Jumarvi@Agimaru.......

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

My Outline To Beloved Miss Freda...... My Lecture Hehehee.....

General purpose: To demonstrate
Specific purpose: To demonstrate how to make Macaroni Salads
Central idea : you all can make this dessert when any celebration or any free time with you
How much money that you spend to by some food for any celebration? Before I start my demonstrate isn’t any of you know how to make it the Macaroni Salads and what is Macaroni salads?
The ingredients to make a macaroni salads
ü Macaroni
ü Sweet milk
ü Mayonnaise
ü Fruit mayonnaise
ü Fruit cocktail
ü Cheese
ü Pineapple
ü Longan
ü Lychee
Step to do the Macaroni Salads
· Firstly you put the Macaroni inside pot that full with hot water
· After the Macaroni become soft put it one place and cold it
· When the macaroni was cold mix it with any fruit that you choose for your salads such as pineapple, longan and lychee
· Secondly put the mix fruit into the macaroni that already mix with fruit
· Add the mayonnaise and fruit mayonnaise into macaroni
· Add sweet milk
· And last it cheese that already cut with small slice
· Finally you all can enjoy and serve it with any celebration party
To make macaroni is very simple because you don’t have to cook or fried it just for buy from the store and mix all the ingredients.

You all can make your own dessert or your all can save budget from buy any food for the celebration party just make the macaroni salads its really better

Monday, November 23, 2009

There Something Special Today That I Cant Forget It

Today is a special for someone that I know and not to close,every day and every night I waiting this day to say something that very special. I know that is my firsth time to do it and never have experience also never been in this situation, I feels so nervous, cold and some my friend say that my face will turn to red when seeing her or near with her. That time I become panic and sweat, I really dont know what to do.

When I having presentation at that morning a cant think anything beside her,when she gonna come to look our presentation and that time I will spoil everything. I try to cool my self and present without any feelings. After my presentation, I seat at the chair and thinking about her again but some friend its girl that also close with her. She tell me that her will not come to see our present, that time my feelings have two one is happy and other one is sad because she will not gonna see my worse presentation but also sad because she will not come and I cant tell her something that I wish to tell her by myself.

Some of my friend say to me that I should call her or send the message to her, but actually I dont have the number so I tell my friend maybe next time I will tell her that something special that I about to tell to her. Its very difficult to predict the future because it always change the why of wind blow, so this is my story for today I will tell about another story that very intresting.

Friday, November 20, 2009

About My Simple LIfe

Each life have different way different types not all the people in this world are the same, there some of them quite very different from others. Most people says that all people in this world was not perfect thats really true and I agree about it, so if already say that maybe their no one its really special except for the people who love something that they like such as family, friend and you know who is that I mean it.

Story about my simple its start when my family rise as a good child but that time I never know about anything around me, I just feel want to play and that time I'm very naughty even my mother always angry to me. After few years I get to school my first impression that time its feels responsible and start to thing evrey each I do in my life, but I'm still naughty boy but not a bad boy because I knew that my mother want me be a good child that know respect to other people that older than me.

When I'm in start secondry school, I have to seperated with my mother for a few years that she have a business. Meanwhile my mother was far from me I live my dad also with my sister an d my younger sister, I have big brother but he follow my mother to do the business. My father was work very far a way place so he will come to look one time in one mounth only left me and my sister. That time become mature but I dont to see my impression to anyone because they will say that I have change and still not a child anymore, so I just act like nothing happen but actually I always taking care my both sister.

After one or three years past by my older sister have married to other man that very nice to her and all my family only left in my house is that me and my younger sister. That time I'm totally change I became responsible to my sister, always take care her and always protect her with anything happen to her. Most my life I spend with my responsible I have never spend time with my friend except if I have free time but I never feels what the taste when we go to somewhere with our friend, whats it feels when you in love in secondry school. I never taste it even one time I never try it, I can subscibe it that in my life was very bored and never have fun.

We all should have intresting in our life when we was born or when we teenage, because its really fun if you remember again what do you do at that time. As you all know that I'm having this all with simple life not very special one.

Thursday, November 19, 2009

My Friend Birthday Party

I have friend in Asian Tourism International, they all goods friend to me, we always share anything like sad feelings, happy, and always caring each other except sharing our girl friend.
One day some of my friend was chatting with his friend, when his chat he saw the phone of my other friend. He saw that my friend birth day is three days from today so call us all after he saw that, after we already know about that birth day in two days we trying to make plan but first we have to pretend that we dont know about his birthday and try ignore him.

I saw him really feelings sad but we just go staright as we already plan it. There a lots of funny things that happens to us when preparing birthday party our friend such as some of my friend try lie to my friend a birthday boy that he will go home but actually he just at the place that we prepared for our friend. when my friend the birthday boy go to some where he saw my friend car infront my house, but i just say to him that maybe he go to see his girl friend.

When the has come brought my friend to the place that we make party to him, so he just follow me.After he comes to the door all my scream say happy birthday to my friend, my friend that time was shock and cant speak or say any words. that he so happy we all happy that and enjoy our party without feels sad or crying.

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

The Story About My First Time In ATI

This story about me, when I came first in this college with new life and willing to study about something new from this college. When my first time arrive at college i was so afraid, before i came to college at that night, I cant sleep even close my eyes. I'm really afraid until tomorrow its already arrive, I walk alone to college and I see some of people wearing white shirt and black long pants. So I just follow them which place that we have to go gather around, but first I stay infront the college office and that time I meet a friend name Ah Chai, I talk with him just for a while than we been told by some senior to gather at Sabah Hall. When I arrive at hall, I meet another friend that really nice to me and that person is Brent John and Jumeadi. Both of them are really nice to me and I'm so happy to meet also know them.

After we meet and introduce self to each other we sitting behind at the bench inside the hall before we been order to sit infront with the international student. When we sitting on that bench, I saw a girl that, I really dont know how describe her, she so nice and cute. But I dont have courage to talk with her, so I just be silent and keep this things in my heart. Actually, I really like her so much but in the same time I already know that impossible to me near with girl like that. So the solution is, I just admire her and never fall in love with her, thats is the best solution for me.

The lecture all the college already gather at the hall with the student including international student.Their been told us all about rules and regulation that we have to obey and follow because this college also same with the high school except the student can smoke, but not inside the college. We also been gave a book by our lecture, so we can read it also about the rules and regulation in the college. After the orientation, I got more friend and introduce ourself each other but I never introduce my self to her until right now, she just knew me as my nicname that call by my new friend as Hagemaru or Agimaru. But, I'm still happy because she know about me even only a nickname I'm also happy about it, so thats for today I will continue my story till next week.

Monday, November 9, 2009

To be mysterious like me.......
its very difficult to achive.
I dont have any characteristic on this top 10 reason....
But...I still one of the person who born on the scorpio.....
And I so proud about it.......
never than less.....
Im still happy about it.....
Always enjoy your self.....
No matter.....
who are you....
what are you....
We all should have fun in our life........
Without happy and fun in our life......
We just some kind of tree......
That standing they.....
Grow with out any feels happy and enjoy the life time.........
Be as your self......
Dont care what anyone what to say about us......
As our character.......
Because they dont know.....
Inside our heart.....
That full goodness or badness.......
Just feel dont worry.......
Be happy.......
Thank You......
God bless you all....

Sunday, November 8, 2009

R.I.P For Heart Breaker

This tombstone is for the people who have heart breaker
And also for loosing someone that very precious to us
If all of you read this tombstone
Maybe you all
Will memorize
Your love one
In your hurt
read my tombstone

Thank you
Hurt breaker...

The Sith Lord Has Return

The only one of the sith lord has return........
To take back his title as a Sith Lord......
Prepared your self......
For his revenge.......


Which Is Better...Good Boy Or Bad Boy....

Each of this attitude have their own special........
some of this attitude can save us from any danger and also get hurt.......
but some of this attitude can cause us more damage than car accident....
it give more pain to someone who have that attitude......
Not just the part our body and organ.......
But also...... the heart that control our feelings to any environment......

To be a bad boy.....
it easy because we will not have caring to any person.......
dont have a love to any person......
and also.......their can save from any hurt feelings....(its realy true.......)

To be a good boy.........
you can have.........
you can been love by somebody that realy special to us......
but when their......having some bad situation.....
the good boy start feeling hurt .......
not just outside....but also inside.......

To the bad boys.....
their will......never get hurts.......
but the good boys............
Irealy pity on them.....because they always get more hurt that the bad boys.....

So.........its up

Which Is Better......Good Boys Or Bad Boys.......????

Choose and think very carefully........
before make the decision........
it will change everything...........
after you choose.......

Thank You.....
God bless you all......

Friday, November 6, 2009

Its Hard To Tell Or To Ask Something To Someone......

To tell or to ask,to someone that very special to us....
Its not very easy...because u need more brave and feel more confident,
to accept all the words and all decision that come out through her mouth.

Thats why...if some my friend that know about me....why I so scared to tell and to ask that person......because that person its very special to me...than the other person that I knew....
I try to be my self but......we both have different world.....its very difficult for subscribe that situation........

I only can watch that peron from far a way without go to near with that person.....
each time that person.....spoke to very happy....and I will never forget each time I spoke with that person....and ill always remember every day and every time about that person....

Better....I keep this feeling.....only just for me...
so....their no one will gets hurt......and shame just because my feeling.....
I hope you all....will never be like me......

NOOO.....hurts feelings....

Monday, November 2, 2009

Story For Today.......

I have a friend that always make me smile.....
their lots of other friend that always help me in study,sport and anything....including when i have a problem with my..... their always help me to settle that problem.....

But this day my friend have a problem....
this problem will get involved with other girl.......that both of them like it.....
the both my friend was fight until it been three days their not talk each other......

so... I come with the solution that one of them cannot seen the girl for ever.....
even want to friend with her must not......
the both my friend be come upset and mad at me..... but I just ignore....them and do...the better way too solve this problem.....

After few days past...the both my friend become best friend again....
after fighting each other....
As a best friend for them its my job to safe this relationship from destroy by other useless girl..... friend and family is most important for our life....
Do not sacrifice them for the stupid thing......

keep them safe.....
try not to hurt them.....

The End.....

Monday, October 19, 2009

Wonderful Life Time For Prince And Princess

Once upon a time there a young prince that come to the Asian Tourism International Place to meet a beautiful princess. the princess was so beautiful that cant be challenge by other princess and the fine women who attractive the prince.When the prince meet the princess, he was shock about the princess character because the was so naugty and always make a fool to the prince,also the prince will get beat by the princess when the prince come near to her.One day the prince come to the princess room with his follower,after arrive at princess room the prince want to say something very important to the princess and he say......"CAN YOU BE MY DATE AT THE PROM NIGHT"

The prom night was three days from now and the prince feel excited and shy.But one of his followers come near to him and give some advice to him.when the prince hear the advice,he feels more confident and try to rise up his spirit and never be a shy.After three days and the prom night was begins,there a lots man and women have a couple except the prince and a princess.The prince and princess watch each other eyes.Slowly there move near to each other,prince grab princess hand and start to dance.That time the prince and princess start to dating,after a few months their became a couple and after a years their became a husband and wife......

THE AND Hehehe.....!!