Thursday, November 19, 2009

My Friend Birthday Party

I have friend in Asian Tourism International, they all goods friend to me, we always share anything like sad feelings, happy, and always caring each other except sharing our girl friend.
One day some of my friend was chatting with his friend, when his chat he saw the phone of my other friend. He saw that my friend birth day is three days from today so call us all after he saw that, after we already know about that birth day in two days we trying to make plan but first we have to pretend that we dont know about his birthday and try ignore him.

I saw him really feelings sad but we just go staright as we already plan it. There a lots of funny things that happens to us when preparing birthday party our friend such as some of my friend try lie to my friend a birthday boy that he will go home but actually he just at the place that we prepared for our friend. when my friend the birthday boy go to some where he saw my friend car infront my house, but i just say to him that maybe he go to see his girl friend.

When the has come brought my friend to the place that we make party to him, so he just follow me.After he comes to the door all my scream say happy birthday to my friend, my friend that time was shock and cant speak or say any words. that he so happy we all happy that and enjoy our party without feels sad or crying.