Tuesday, November 17, 2009

The Story About My First Time In ATI

This story about me, when I came first in this college with new life and willing to study about something new from this college. When my first time arrive at college i was so afraid, before i came to college at that night, I cant sleep even close my eyes. I'm really afraid until tomorrow its already arrive, I walk alone to college and I see some of people wearing white shirt and black long pants. So I just follow them which place that we have to go gather around, but first I stay infront the college office and that time I meet a friend name Ah Chai, I talk with him just for a while than we been told by some senior to gather at Sabah Hall. When I arrive at hall, I meet another friend that really nice to me and that person is Brent John and Jumeadi. Both of them are really nice to me and I'm so happy to meet also know them.

After we meet and introduce self to each other we sitting behind at the bench inside the hall before we been order to sit infront with the international student. When we sitting on that bench, I saw a girl that, I really dont know how describe her, she so nice and cute. But I dont have courage to talk with her, so I just be silent and keep this things in my heart. Actually, I really like her so much but in the same time I already know that impossible to me near with girl like that. So the solution is, I just admire her and never fall in love with her, thats is the best solution for me.

The lecture all the college already gather at the hall with the student including international student.Their been told us all about rules and regulation that we have to obey and follow because this college also same with the high school except the student can smoke, but not inside the college. We also been gave a book by our lecture, so we can read it also about the rules and regulation in the college. After the orientation, I got more friend and introduce ourself each other but I never introduce my self to her until right now, she just knew me as my nicname that call by my new friend as Hagemaru or Agimaru. But, I'm still happy because she know about me even only a nickname I'm also happy about it, so thats for today I will continue my story till next week.