Sunday, November 8, 2009

Which Is Better...Good Boy Or Bad Boy....

Each of this attitude have their own special........
some of this attitude can save us from any danger and also get hurt.......
but some of this attitude can cause us more damage than car accident....
it give more pain to someone who have that attitude......
Not just the part our body and organ.......
But also...... the heart that control our feelings to any environment......

To be a bad boy.....
it easy because we will not have caring to any person.......
dont have a love to any person......
and also.......their can save from any hurt feelings....(its realy true.......)

To be a good boy.........
you can have.........
you can been love by somebody that realy special to us......
but when their......having some bad situation.....
the good boy start feeling hurt .......
not just outside....but also inside.......

To the bad boys.....
their will......never get hurts.......
but the good boys............
Irealy pity on them.....because they always get more hurt that the bad boys.....

So.........its up

Which Is Better......Good Boys Or Bad Boys.......????

Choose and think very carefully........
before make the decision........
it will change everything...........
after you choose.......

Thank You.....
God bless you all......