Friday, November 20, 2009

About My Simple LIfe

Each life have different way different types not all the people in this world are the same, there some of them quite very different from others. Most people says that all people in this world was not perfect thats really true and I agree about it, so if already say that maybe their no one its really special except for the people who love something that they like such as family, friend and you know who is that I mean it.

Story about my simple its start when my family rise as a good child but that time I never know about anything around me, I just feel want to play and that time I'm very naughty even my mother always angry to me. After few years I get to school my first impression that time its feels responsible and start to thing evrey each I do in my life, but I'm still naughty boy but not a bad boy because I knew that my mother want me be a good child that know respect to other people that older than me.

When I'm in start secondry school, I have to seperated with my mother for a few years that she have a business. Meanwhile my mother was far from me I live my dad also with my sister an d my younger sister, I have big brother but he follow my mother to do the business. My father was work very far a way place so he will come to look one time in one mounth only left me and my sister. That time become mature but I dont to see my impression to anyone because they will say that I have change and still not a child anymore, so I just act like nothing happen but actually I always taking care my both sister.

After one or three years past by my older sister have married to other man that very nice to her and all my family only left in my house is that me and my younger sister. That time I'm totally change I became responsible to my sister, always take care her and always protect her with anything happen to her. Most my life I spend with my responsible I have never spend time with my friend except if I have free time but I never feels what the taste when we go to somewhere with our friend, whats it feels when you in love in secondry school. I never taste it even one time I never try it, I can subscibe it that in my life was very bored and never have fun.

We all should have intresting in our life when we was born or when we teenage, because its really fun if you remember again what do you do at that time. As you all know that I'm having this all with simple life not very special one.