Wednesday, November 25, 2009

The Happy Time With My Friend

This picture story about us that have free time doing something fun and enjoyble, we also left some memory about our life and what is the meaning of friendship............ (cam betul jak kan) HEHEHEHEHEEEEE.....

Dont forget about them that always help us when we having a problem especialy family and friendship those are the most important in the world, value of that cannot same with other things in this world.

Family is the one that take care us when we still a baby until right now, dont ever forget them even once. For the friendship is second family that we have because when we far a way from our family, friend is the one that always help us that time, so dont ever forget about that also.

Appriciate each things that we have and always take care of them dont let them down even once.

From your story teller Jumarvi@Agimaru.......