Monday, November 2, 2009

Story For Today.......

I have a friend that always make me smile.....
their lots of other friend that always help me in study,sport and anything....including when i have a problem with my..... their always help me to settle that problem.....

But this day my friend have a problem....
this problem will get involved with other girl.......that both of them like it.....
the both my friend was fight until it been three days their not talk each other......

so... I come with the solution that one of them cannot seen the girl for ever.....
even want to friend with her must not......
the both my friend be come upset and mad at me..... but I just ignore....them and do...the better way too solve this problem.....

After few days past...the both my friend become best friend again....
after fighting each other....
As a best friend for them its my job to safe this relationship from destroy by other useless girl..... friend and family is most important for our life....
Do not sacrifice them for the stupid thing......

keep them safe.....
try not to hurt them.....

The End.....